In some paid editions of Google Workspace, a user can delegate full access to his contacts. However, it still does not offer all the unlimited possibilities of our shared contacts manager. Still, it can be enough if you want an assistant to enter contacts on your Google address book on your behalf.
Time needed: 5 minutes
You can find quick access from the Google launcher in Gmail or from this URL:
You will find this icon next to the Google search bar.
You can select only individuals, but not groups of users. If you want to share Google contacts with groups of users, check this tutorial.
Furthermore, you cannot delegate access to people outside of your domain either. Learn how to share Google Contacts with users outside of your own domain from this article.
Once you are done with your selection, write a personalized message in the text box and click on the “Send” button to validate your choice.
Add delegates to your Google Contacts by clicking “Invite Delegates” or Remove delegates by clicking on the cross.
In some paid editions of Google Workspace, a user can delegate full access to her/his contacts. It does not offer all the unlimited possibilities of our shared contacts manager, but it can be enough if you want an assistant to enter contacts on your behalf in your Google address book.
The delegation feature by Google is not really for sharing Google Contacts. It is more about giving your Google contacts to someone you trust to manage contact details like phone number, email address, etc.
Typically, it is used by admin assistants to enter business cards into the directory of their superiors.
Read more: Google Contacts “Delegate” Feature vs Shared Contacts for Gmail®
However, the delegate feature can not really use the contacts for their own use due to the following reasons:
If you need to share your Google Contacts with other people who can use it from their own devices or accounts, discover the benefits of having a shared contacts app.