Shared Contacts Permission Management

Blog-Permission Management 101

Shared Contacts for Gmail® offers five (5) levels of access controls. Permission management is important as contacts are valuable company assets. It must not fall into wrong hands. However, if shared wisely, it can be a key to the success of the business.

Hence, the one who handles the client database or the internal company directory must be fully aware of the features each setting offers. Below are the different permission levels:

  1. View only
  2. Editor
  3. Can delete
  4. Manager
  5. Owner

1. View only

This is the most basic permission level. ‘View Only’ is for users who should only access the shared contacts from any of their devices but are not authorized to modify the list. 

This is the recommended setting for those who are using Shared Contacts for Gmail® as an extension of their CRM. It ensures that those users cannot alter the client database which might affect other parameters originating from the CRM. 

2. Editor

Users with this level of permission can see the shared contacts as well as modify the contact details. They can change the details like the name, number, email, and other fields. They can also add a new contact to the list. 

Moreover, they can add private and public comments regarding the contact.  Public comments can be read by anyone who has access to the shared contact list. To make certain the comment is public, see that the checkbox for private comment is not ticked. 

Tagging of colleagues can be done with this permission, too. The tagged person will receive a notification on their email about it. Yet, if the person tagged does not have access to the shared contact list, he will not be able to see it. After clicking the link “View comment” from his notification, the app will open with a message saying “Access required”

3. Can delete

The users who have this level of permission can do all the things similar to those who have “Can Edit” plus they can erase a contact from the list. 

This permission must be given warily as the owner of the list will not be notified once a single or several contacts have been removed. 

4. Manager

The users who have this level of control can:

  • access the shared contacts from any of their devices
  • write private and public comments
  • edit contact details of the shared contacts
  • remove/add contacts to the list
  • reshare to other users the contact list
  • change access permissions of existing collaborators
  • set the contact fields to show/hide from other collaborators

They can change those with “View only” permissions to have a “Can Delete” status. Conversely, they can revoke other “Can Reshare” permissions on that contact list.

Evidently, the one you have given this status enjoys a lot of privileges. Therefore, you must exercise more caution before granting this permission. 

5. Owner

The owner has full permission on the contact list. They are the ones who should be responsible for permission management. Additionally, they are the only ones who can delete or rename the shared label. 

They can also transfer the ownership of the contact label. This is advisable if the original owner is leaving the company. The transition will be smoother in this manner. No need for much fuss especially if the previous owner is diligent in updating the list. 

Conclusion on Permission Management

Granting permissions for access to shared contacts should be approached with care and consideration. This decision holds significant weight, impacting the productivity of team members.

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