In this tutorial, you’ll see how simple it is to comment on a Google Contact directly from your Shared Contacts Manager. Moreover, you can do this as well as directly from your Gmail Interface thanks to Shared Contacts for Gmail® add-on.
Time needed: 1 minute
In order to comment on a Google Contact on any platform, follow these simple steps:
Click on the “Sign in with Google” button on the top.
To find the ‘Comment’ icon, hover over any contact and it should appear.
You can also access the label-sharing settings and contact details from this section.
The number that appears next to the comment icon indicates the number of comments under the contact.
You can also comment on a Google contact on the following devices:
Thanks to the Shared Contacts Gmail Add-On built in directly from the ‘+’ icon on the right-hand side of the Gmail interface, Gmail users have the luxury of sharing, adding, managing, and commenting on contacts on their Gmail dashboard.
Simply open an email > select the contact > click ‘ADD COMMENT’
Thanks to the Shared Contacts for Google Calendar Add-On built in directly from the ‘+’ icon on the right-hand side of the Calendar interface, users have the luxury of sharing, adding, managing, and commenting on contacts on their Calendar dashboard.
Simply open an event > select the contact > click ‘ADD COMMENT’
Thanks to the Shared Contacts for Google Drive Add-On built in directly from the ‘+’ icon on the right-hand side of the Drive interface, users have the luxury of sharing, adding, managing, and commenting on contacts on their Drive dashboard.
Simply open your Drive > select a document > click ‘ADD COMMENT’